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Thank you for the 7th ELMC

Dear Friends,

The ELMI team wishes to thank you for making the 7th European Labour Mobility Congress such a splendid and meaningful event.
It was you, Dear Participants, who created a pleasant atmosphere for an exchange of views, of defining and solving most complex problems of the posting of workers within the framework of freedom to provide services.

We are grateful to our keynote speakers, Herwig Verschueren and Henrik Saugmandsgaard Øe for their provocative and inspiring speeches. Thanks to your special guest speakers, Cosmin Boiangiu, Gertruda Uścińska and Józef Gawron for pointing out the helpful role of administrative services at the EU, national and regional level.

We are also grateful to your Expert Speaker, Karolina Schiffter from PCS Paruch Chruściel Schiffter Stępień Kanclerz| Littler the Partner of the ELMC – for saving the Apollo 13 mission (with posted workers onboard). .

Last, but not least, we would like to thank the moderators of the three panels for the concept, excellent casting and outstanding execution: Frederic De Wispelaere, Kamil Matuszczyk and Robert Lisicki.

Special thanks go to ELMC Partner Fragomen for providing such excellent experts like Jo Antoons, Hans Benson, Wim Cocquyt and Jez Etherton.

And to the European Commission for sending us their best people: Carita Rammus and Helge Kleinwege, and indeed for their financial support.

Kudos to the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology for co-organising the first ELMC day. Working with you is a pleasure. .

Thanks to ZUS for consultation Your Host City: Kraków and your Regional Partner: Małopolska were happy to see you. You are always welcome here.

15 worshops coronaverant opus: all interesting and inspiring – real food for thought.

See you at ELMC 2024 and a bit before that – at Warm-Ups.

Your ELMI Team

Katarzyna, Iza, Katarzyna, Karolina, Marcin, Marek, Stefan


Warm Up czyli Rozgrzewka

Spotkania kongresowe, na które uczestnicy czekają latami, zaczynają się i kończą nagle i trwają za krótko, zawsze pozostawiając uczucie niedosytu. Im dłuższy czas pomiędzy wydarzeniami, tym więcej zmienia się w obszarach tematycznych, którym są poświęcone.

Nie inaczej jest w przypadku Europejskiego Kongresu Mobilności Pracy. Niespodziewany wybuch pandemii Covid-19 spowodował wielokrotne przesuwanie terminu kolejnego Kongresu by w końcu uświadomić uczestnikom i organizatorom jak nieprzewidywalna może być przerwa pomiędzy kolejnymi edycjami cyklicznych wydarzeń.

Co prawda, trwają już przygotowania do kolejnej edycji EKMP, jednak organizatorzy Kongresu postanowili zainicjować nowe, cykliczne wydarzenie oraz wypełnić czas oczekiwania na siódmą edycję spotkań kongresowych, organizując „Warm Up”.

Warm Up” czyli Rozgrzewka, to wydarzenie, które łączy spotkania (Pracownie Legalnego Delegowania – Posting Lab) odbywające się w ciągu całego roku kalendarzowego, z tematyką Kongresu. Jednodniowy Warm-up poświęcony jednemu tematowi szczegółowemu Kongresu zapewnia dość czasu na jego dogłębne zbadanie i przedyskutowanie. Mniejsza liczba uczestników oraz mniej formalny charakter warsztatowy pozwalają na aktywne zaangażowanie uczestników. Z drugiej strony, wysoki poziom merytoryczny gwarantują specjaliści prowadzący Warm-up.

Szczegóły najbliższego Warm Up, znajdziesz tu – najbliższa Rozgrzewka.



The future of senior live-in care services

The ageing of the population is creating a huge demand for home care services, the vast majority of which are provided across borders in the form of undeclared work

The legal market of care services in the EU is dominated by Polish companies. Most of them have their headquarters in Krakow. Compared to other Member States, Poland has a relatively young population, but the speed of population ageing is one of the largest in the EU.

The presence of Ukrainian citizens who enjoy temporary protection in Poland will allow to fill the gap in this socially

important sphere of services provided to Krakow’s charges.

The aim of the organizers of the Congress is to promote legal forms of employment of foreigners in the live-in care services.

Accompanying Events

A warm-up? What’s that?

The idea of warm-up events is preceding the final conference an this is response to the expectations of our Participants, who expect access to knowledge more often than once a year, as well as the fact that we will not only point out problems, but also strive to develop solutions and promote the correct interpretation of the law.

WarmUps! are intimate workshops and seminars where we discuss issues that will be the subject of the final conference. To conduct meetings we engage our future speakers and experts. That way our members and guests have access to fresh reliable knowledge first.

We don’t want the ELMC to be another boring event where theoretical knowledge or subjective viewpoints are imparted. The changing and multifaceted legal reality requires confronting multiple points of view from representatives of different backgrounds. The warm-ups are an ideal opportunity for this purpose.

The ELMC is not a one-time event – throughout the year we organize workshops and seminars in various places in Poland. These initiatives contribute to the dissemination of reliable knowledge on topics related to the posting of workers in the cross-border provision of services.

We build bridges between communities, generate convenient space for networking and opportunities to exchange experiences. The Warm-ups program is shaped on an ongoing basis according to the needs.

This year’s leading topics are the posting of third-country nationals and cross-border Live-in care services. We are paying special attention in this context to the problem of the so-called Vander Elst visa and cases of deportation from Germany of properly posted workers who are third-country nationals.


Posting of third-country nationals

The legal framework for employment and posting of third country nationals has been a subject of academic and expert discussion for a long time. Since Rush Portuguesa and Vander Elst judgements of ECJ/CJEU it has also been subject to legal disputes.

But it was the Russian military aggression in Ukraine that has boosted the massive influx of third country nationals into EU market. There is an urgent need for simplified procedures in the posting of third country nationals in the framework of freedom to provide services.

At the same time they are more vulnerable workers than EU-citizens. Preventing abuse and exploitation calls for tighter procedures. Is EU ready to tailor a compromise between the two needs?

